Wednesday, October 5, 2016

To be or not to be stereotyped

Let's face it, stereotypes are everywhere. Especially in the world of religion. With countless beliefs, theologies, doctrines it's easy to see how one can form their opinion without seeking facts.

Many of you, whether you've been my acquaintance or friend for a few days, years or known me for a lifetime already have your opinions formed. After all, it's natural, right. Or is it?

Are our thoughts based on facts: biblical, scientific or are they theoretically shaped by our modern culture? Truth is, the latter of the 3 wins. Without seeking understanding there is prejudice, preconceived notions and bias misunderstandings everywhere!

It's quite likely I won't fit your idea of a Christian. Honestly, I'm quite thankful for that! Why? Because there are countless misconceptions about my God and His perfect Son that my way of thinking, living, speaking, acting and reacting is probably just as cynical as your presuppositions about my foundation in them.

I'm not trying to be rude or crass. Whether we like it or not, scads of people try to put God in a box; which includes those who follow Him. He's given us a code of ethics to live by and every day is a new adventure. It's a daily walk full of trials, temptations, life lessons and victories. Unless you come to know Him, you cannot understand His people.

If you're afraid of being stereotyped, understand this... whether you whole hearted follow Christ or not, society has already labeled you! Question is, who is it you're living to please?

As for me, "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

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Sin and the simplicity of the Gospel

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