"But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up." 1 Kings 21:25
It's likely we've all experienced a "Jezebel", some maybe more often that we'd like. Let's look at this one chapter and see a few of her characteristics.
Vs 5- She plays off Ahab's emotions
Vs 8- She takes control, taking matters into her own hands.
Vs 10- She manipulates the situation and twists truth
Vs 11- She has others do her dirty work, murdering an innocent man
I encourage y'all to read the full chapter, it's quite intriguing! Over and over throughout 1 Kings 16-21 she causes quite the whirlwind, causes many to stumble and fall as well as murder and taunt those who belong to the Lord! However, in the end we see the victorious strength and power of the Almighty God.
Fellas, be cautious as to the kind of lady you have and hold. Jezebel caused quite the commotion with & for her husband. Ladies, be mindful too of the friends you keep and let close.
Bad character is contagious and is quite destructive. However, theres no evil so great that the Great I AM is not even greater still. His perspective and our focus upon Him always are huge! Will we seek His approval regarding those we allow in our lives?