I remember in my younger days a lot of people knew who I was, but not because they knew me personally; they knew me by association-- they knew others who did know me... that were close to me.
I hope what the Lord teaches me is both a blessing and encouragement for you in your walk with Him. Check out my newest book. 'A Walk with the King - A Devoted Walk' https://www.awalkwiththeking.com/buy-the-book/ There you can read excerpts, learn more about me and buy the book. Don't be stingy, get one for a friend too! Blessed it is to be a blessing! Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Monday, February 8, 2016
Knowing God is personal
I remember in my younger days a lot of people knew who I was, but not because they knew me personally; they knew me by association-- they knew others who did know me... that were close to me.
Ladies---> Contentious or Quiet?
A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike." Proverbs 27:15
Contentious means brawling or to fight noisily, usually in a public place. Now think of the rain that goes and goes, especially in a certain area the drippings are continuous. Drip... drip... drip... After a time it becomes irritating and annoying.
I know I'm guilty of this. Praise God for showing us the right way and granting mercy & forgiveness in our stumblings! However, especially in our day women seem to enjoy causing a scene publicly. Remember, this can be social media too, doesn't have to be in the streets.
Of this I'm certain, where there is drama there is sin! Ladies, our voices do count... in the right way and in the right place. Outside of this we push others away! If you have a point to prove, in what manner will you handle it?
Sin and the simplicity of the Gospel
Remember, it will not be the "act" of sin God will punish come final judgement. Rather, every soul that rejects His only begotten ...
For all women who've been kicked for being in ministry: By Michelle James freely given by the Holy Spirit "But God hath chose...
My heart is saddened over a couple I know. One is holding tight and the other is ready to go. Both have come to know Jesus, but yet ...
Teaching Jr. Church is so much fun! I love hands on lessons, it really helps open understanding (of course along with prayer 1st!) and show...