Hear ye, hear ye! May I have your attention PLEASE...
Raise your hand if you know a drama queen! Haha, it's sad but I'm pretty sure every hand should be raised. It's relatively safe to say these days everybody knows at least one DRAMA QUEEN.
By definition, this is a person who habitually responds to situations in a melodramatic way. In case you haven't met one by experience, I'll share a few of her characteristics. Once you're aware, they're easy to spot!
BEWARE!!! This one thrives off of drama, loves attention, prideful, arrogant, selfish, manipulative, may present a forceful personality, demanding, belittling, disobedient, unruly, discontent and so much more! They are TOXIC!
However, those traits listed above are usually secondhand to what usually entices us to be around them. These people are usually charming, witty, charismatic, FUN & BEAUTIFUL!
In the 1st chapter of Esther, we meet one just like this! Queen Vashti! The King threw a 7 day feast to show off the riches of his kingdom and near the end when his heart was merry with wine he wanted to show off his beautiful queen. Only problem was it didn't suit her desires and she rejected his call.
She was beautiful and in leadership! However, the example she was setting was destructive. Truth is discontentment is contagious! Her pride was puffed up and it ultimately cost her the royal crown. New rules were set and she was cast away.
So, we aren't powerful kings and Queens to write and rewrite rules but we can take note of who we allow in our lives. We are told in Romans 16:17 "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."
Mark them and AVOID them! Though a drama queen isn't necessarily women only, it's more so than not. With that said, there's a few more words of wisdom to attain and apply.
"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion." Proverbs 11:22
"A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike." Proverbs 27:5
IF you value what you've built, your peace and your sanity then you'll accept and apply these things to your personal life! The root of drama is pride. The center of pride is "I" and so it is too the center of sin!
Haha, I hope you didn't keep your hand up throughout this read... let's face it, we all KNOW a drama queen. Many of us are wise enough to leave them to themselves. Are you?