I love that even at 6 years old my son related modesty with beauty!
Lines my children often hear me say is, 'Ladies, put some clothes on!' or 'Fellas, pull your pants up!'
One weekend my son and I did some quick shopping before our lunch date. As we passed the women's apparel, he started pointing out clothes that would and would not cover a lady's body in a pretty and respectful way. I was truly impressed!
The cool part about it is I haven't directly spoken with him about modesty nor what the Lord expects from ladies who belong to Him. Evidently he's heard and learned much from overhearing conversations I've had with my daughter. This little trip to the store opened up a fun conversation with him! I'm thankful he's learning at a young age that beauty comes from within and whether male or female we don't have to show off our bodies nor reveal skin to be liked or considered beautiful, especially in God's eyes.
Let's consider what the Lord said to Samuel.
"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7
This conversation with my son reminds me of this needed word of direction, especially for the ladies.
"In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works." 1 Timothy 2:9-10
For the godly woman, modesty and godliness are not only required, but the inner beauty that comes from Christ within us is beautiful! It is something to be respected and appreciated. Honestly anyone can walk around half dressed, but only those truly confident in Christ will understand the importance of heeding God's direction in His Word.
Remember, how we dress, act, and speak also attracts or repels the company we keep! If we are allowing Christ to shine through us in how we carry ourselves we will attract those who value such rarities, especially in our current society of anything goes. Not all are attracted to this lifestyle either, but we will attract those whom the Lord knows we need, whether we are meant to be an example or to encourage another in His ways.
So, our simple mother and son time turned out to be an unexpected blessing. It is important that our children understand God's ways and that He directs us in all things. May we be mindful that their eyes are upon us and their ears are open to our conversations too. They're learning from us, like little sponges soaking up everything we say, do and otherwise. May we live out loud the example that they need to live godly in this corrupt world.
Though there was more to our conversation, the rest may be for another time. I hope you will consider your example not only to your own children, but to other impressionable children in your life.
Have you considered God's direction lately in how you are to present yourself in public? If you haven't adopted God's ways in your own wardrobe, will you now - now knowing what He desires?