3 days in a row the Lord has taken me to these 3 chapters... Daniel 7,10 & 11
There is hope within these prophetic pages, HOPE that applies to those who are in Christ! Though rebellion has been continuously increasing, the Lord's mercies and forgiveness have also been outstretched!
Yes, judgement is upon us whether we like it or not and whether we believe it or not. Yet, here in this moment if we surrender to Christ, there is peace in the midst of the turmoil and chaos! Not the false peace so many are eager to share. Real genuine peace that only Christ can give. It surpasses our human understanding!
My heart has been so heavy for those close to me under severe enemy attack. Remember y'all, the enemy knows his time is short and he's doing his best to wear us all out! He's using every tactic possible... family, friends; those close to us, as well as sicknesses, finances, losses, conflicts between races and with those in authority, countries ready to wage war, natural disasters, etc.the list goes on and on!
Remember though, our hope isn't found in people, places or things. True hope is found only in the King of kings and what the enemy intends to use as harm, (we know he comes to kill, steal and to destroy) our God can use it for our good and HIS GLORY. I know these aren't light issues surrounding and affecting each one of us, but if there's ever a time to make sure we are right with God, walking with Christ, denying ourselves and daily carrying our cross, the time is NOW!!!
Even being forewarned by our precious Lord and Saviour these days would come, doesn't make it easy to endure, but He does grant everything we need in Him.
A couple things we MUST be willing to SELF examine are:
* our prayer life
* our study time
If we are lacking in these areas we need to sincerely with all diligence ask God for help! Everything Jesus said would happen, IS HAPPENING and increasing just as He said a woman in labor experiences. They're closer and with greater intensity!
So, with a grieved and heavy heart I asked the Lord for comfort and encouragement. He gave me Isaiah 40. Please take the time to read it, ponder it, delight in it and give Him praise for it!!! "For such a time as this" are we blessed to be here in the now. Are we prepared? Are we continuing to prepare?
Jesus said, "The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves." Luke 10:2-3
Be honest... Are your eyes fixed upon Him? Is your oil lamp full? Will Jesus find faith upon the earth upon His return? Are you clothed in Christ and His righteousness?