Bondage, bandaids and breakthrough
If you're looking to improve the old you, religion just might do.
Honestly, that's just a bandaid, to tell the blatant truth.
Religion is a cleaned up version many resort to like sex, alcohol or drugs, only their leadership dresses a bit better than the thugs.
If you're desiring a new you, none of those things will do!
You can be changed, transformed in many ways, but the only change that stays is being washed by amazing Grace!
Trading in that heart of stone will change that heart and mind, it goes far deeper than a temporary street sweeper.
When you're ready to surrender and let go of foolish blenders, you'll come to see the tempter ain't got a thing on the Creator!
Repentance is a must cuz religion just won't do, politics can't even save you, but leave you feeling blue.
Christ came to set the captives free,
my friend we are all born to sin's slavery.
Will you let Him break these chains of sin, will you let Him wash you from deep within?
Are you ready for a change to begin, one that you can see life's purpose in?
You don't have to numb the mind when the Holy Spirit dwells inside.
Let go of what you've tried and accept this peace beyond the human mind.
You are why Christ came.
Believing in Him fully, never leaves one the same.
Do you desire more of the same or will you call on Jesus name?
It's true, His deliverance grants the breakthrough!