While playing fetch with my brother's dog, Pouncer, I eventually got tired of playing "tug of war" with him. So, I thought, why not open my hands to him, in front of my lap. What would he do? I did it! Haha, mind you he's a beautiful and smart boxer with very expressive eyes. He looked at me with his tilted head like, "what am I supposed to do with that?" Then I told him put it in my hands. He initially thought I wanted to play keep away with his jerky gnawing at the toy. Slowly but surely, the more I said it (which was many many times) with my hands open to him, he got it! He brought the toy to my hands! Only thing is, initially he didn't want to leave it there. He would playfully grab it and try to play keep away again running away and right back again! After a while we established trust. He brought it to me, placed it in my hands, set it down and waited for me to throw it again. After a few more times of him going to get it and gently putting it into my hands, I decided to change it up a bit. When he brought it back and set it down ever so gingerly in my hands I told him to sit. He did! Why? He was learning that I would reward his obedience! He knew I would throw it again.
Simple story right? Well, as I pondered this in my mind, the Lord spoke to my heart. I truly love it when He uses every day things to reach me where I'm at!
He reminded me that often times our relationship with Him is just like this scenario of playing fetch! When we bring things to God, we want to have a hand in the outcome. We, like the dog, want to play (we want the attention, we want what we want- we want God's help), BUT we don't want to let go! We like the idea of bringing it (whatever it is in our lives at the time) to Him in prayer, but our humanness demands we play our part too. We try to play tug of war!
A few things I'm reminded of in this snapshot are:
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Just as Pouncer didn't understand why I put my hands out, or change the direction of his way verses mine, comparatively we don't necessarily understand what God Almighty is doing either. I read a meme earlier that stated something along the lines of "The devil had a plan, but God has a purpose." How true is that!? Often times we hold tight to our "wants" or "desires" not realizing what could come of us actually attaining these things, especially when we are relying upon our emotions, which are ever changing or fleshly desires that often self pleasing over that which God demands.
Stew a bit on this truth, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 It is all about HIS purpose, not that of our own.
There are countless things this life holds, trials, temptations, pain, heartache, grief, sorrow, happiness, joy and the list goes on! One thing is for sure, the Scriptures keep us on track and they restore us to God's ways and His plans are far more prosperous than what we can imagine!
Ok, so a bit more of the story. After playing with him, I washed up, made brunch and showered. We have a walk in shower and while I finished up, I looked down and to my surprise there was Pouncer! He had brought me his toy again, only this time he laid it by my feet and laid down by the shower entry. Wow, I was so surprised! He not only knew I was busy (which we know God is NEVER too busy), but he laid the toy down at my feet! He trusted me. He let go! He waited patiently...
"Put it in my hands" came back to my mind. Then I thought of "lay it at my feet". In both instances we are encouraged to bring all things to the Lord, without our input and without our holding on. We are to patiently trust Him, His wisdom, knowledge, discretion and timing.
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." 1 Peter 4:12-13
Truth is, we are all faced with unknown situations. We live in a world of unknowns, but we have the God who knows all! This may seem like a strange year, filled with strange things, but there is nothing strange to the One who not only created us, but also sees us through.
Consider your situation or maybe that of a family member or close friend maybe even a coworker or boss... are we learning reliance upon the King of kings and trusting Him with all things? Are we letting go and either placing it in God's hands or laying them at His feet? Are we allowing our humanness to play it's part or sweetly surrendering in full faith that He knows the full picture and the preplanned outcomes? Are we trusting His plan?