This weekend is quite a somber reminder for me.
20 years ago today, we were in an interstate roll over accident. We rolled 3/4 of a mile! Hit by a drunk illegal immigrant in a stolen vehicle, our lives completely changed. Matter of fact, the "old me" died that night.
This could go many directions as I could share thousands of things that the Lord has brought me through since then. Still, for times sake and our short attention spans, I'll share this...
We have everything to be thankful for. God has a purpose for you as He does for me. Apart from Christ, we make things much harder than we need to. No only in our lives, but for those around us.
Christ requires surrender, genuine and whole hearted devotion to Him and Him alone. He literally rescued me from myself that night and though that was the beginning of a very long, hard and difficult journey; its one I wouldn't be able to do even to this day without Him. He's my constant, even through childhood to now in my middle ages, He remains the same.
Knowing and walking with Him doesn't mean life is easy or perfect, quite opposite to be frank. It doesn't make one person "better" or "above" another. What it does do is grant a whole new lense in which we experience life, how we view love, mercy, compassion, grace, mercy, empathy and forgiveness. There's a deeper need for the One who knows all, sees all and cares the most. It's new desires that cannot compare to what was once cherished.
If you aren't walking with the King of kings and Lord of Lord's, Jesus Christ, I pray you don't have to endure a fraction of my journey before you stop to consider why you do what you do, like what you like and approve of that which you do. God has a way of getting our attention and revealing Himself far deeper than any religion could ever shed light on.
As I reflect on the good and the bad of that terrible night, I know God has and still is using it to the good, for His good. I've been called to follow Jesus and it's by Him my identity is found, not by any other title such as author, business owner, no worldly attainment, company kept or any other positions life can hold.
People will see what they want to see. My hope is that somewhere Jesus is seen in me.