This morning while getting dressed & ready for the day I applied deodorant! Whoooo hoooo, right! I always converse with my Heavenly Father, even in the little routine things. I asked Him, "Lord, there must be more to this as simple as it is. Without deodorant our bodies put off a stench most would rather not smell, but this covering grants a sweet aroma."
Here's His reply to me... It's so cool! He said, "Most people think of my Word as food or spiritual substance, but many lack understanding to My protection through it; it is also My covering." Then as I get in His Word, He spoke this: "And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say...Thou art my people." Isaiah 51:16
Those of us IN Him are covered by His Word! Remember John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." We are under His covering! The blood of Jesus covers our sins, no longer harboring the world's stench. We have His sweet smelling aroma of LIFE! It's His LOVE!
With that said, have you put on your deodorant, that beautiful sweet spiritual covering of Christ? Have you applied His Word to your day?
Just think, there are many who go days, weeks or months without praying or reading their Bibles... They're choosing not to stay under His covering! Now, imagine going these lengths of time without bathing & without deodorant! Sin has its stench all it's own. Over time, we may become immune to its foul smell but those who dare venture near us... Well, it's hands down detectable! Eeeewwww!
So I ask again, have you applied God's Word to your day? Raise your hands if you're sure! \o/
Very nice reminder of what God does for us. I'll raise both arms for Him!