Have you ever listened to a child pray? A couple weeks ago a 5 year old boy in my Jr. Church class volunteered to pray. As he started to talk with God about things in his life a couple others kids started to chuckle & laugh (they thought he was praying wrong). I quickly quieted them and told the kids there isn't a right or wrong way to pray. We are to talk with our Heavenly Father about things on our heart. This is exactly what this little one did! He talked to God like we talk to each other. There was no repetition, nothing pre-learned; a simple and pure conversation with God.
I encourage my kids this same way. My son is 3 and so many times he would ask me, "Mama, who should I pray for?" Or "What should I pray next?" I would tell him to talk to God like he talks to me, what's on his heart, for people that are sick, those who don't have food or a home, hurting, sad, who needs Jesus... Things like that. Last night he really started to open up to our Heavenly Father. To hear this little 3 year old pray nearly blew me away at his conversation. It was simple and sweet yet it was powerful and deep! He didn't stop to ask questions, he simply prayed. Beautiful! It is no wonder Jesus welcomes children, their innocence and faith in Him speaks volumes.
"But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14
So many people are afraid to pray for fear of doing it wrong. Many think they need to pray prayers others wrote or repeat the Lord's Prayer rather than sharing their heart with the One who made us. It is the Lord's desire to hear from us... Every age & every stage. If something touches our life in good or bad, He wants to hear from us!
Hebrews 4:16 says,
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Through Christ, it is possible to come straight to God's Throne, it is the Father's delight to hear the voices of those who will call upon Him.
Whether a song of praise or a deep need for others or yourself, will you bring all things into God's presence? After all, He's invited us to His great Throne!
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