Man has created a fluffy pillow cloud Jesus. One who is love according to man's standards & expectations. Completely refusing to acknowledge His righteous balance.
It was His Love for His Father that invoked anger in the temple! Turning tables, exposing corruption and rebuking those who indulged in defaming His Father's house.
It was His Love for truth & holy righteousness that exposed the man made ways of religion. He called the "religious" Scribes and Pharisees names! Hypocrites! Vipers! He spoke truth, yet this "name calling", is rebuked today! "To each his own" people say. WRONG!
Rebuke this false system that adds chains to chains and increases bondage to bondage! Jesus came to set the captive FREE!!!
It was His Love that lead Him before Pilot, resulting in beatings, whippings, mockery, a crown of thorns and carrying a tree; up a mountain called Golgotha where He cried out "My God, My God why have you forsaken Me."?
It was His Love that exposed our sin for what it is and our need for the Perfect Lamb to pay our sin debt that we could NEVER repay!
It was His Love that inevitably said, "It is finished!", as He gave up the ghost.
It was His Love that caused Him to storm the gates of hell; defeating death and taking the keys! And rising again three days later, proving He IS the Risen King!
It was His Love not to abandon us, but to send His Comforter; His Holy Spirit to lead us and teach us along the narrow way!
It IS His Love that will call for His Bride to meet Him, for the dwelling place He has prepared. As well as the marriage feast and celebration we will partake in with Him!
It is ALL by His Love that He mends the broken bridge to His Father, that we may know Him! That we may be healed and set free.
Which side of Love do you see, admire, adhere and follow? A fluffy Jesus who comforts souls in sin or the real Jesus who convicts & corrects souls from sin who was sent to saved?
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