A humbled conviction & lowly confession ...
This evening my kids & I went to the laundry mat. Though tired, it was necessary.
After we started some laundry I received a phone call from someone trying to set up an appointment. I've had several calls from this company. So, I tried filling in this lady as nicely as I could to save us both time without yet another "sales pitch".
The more I spoke with her, mutual agitation grew. After a couple more attempts trying to help her understand the situation she decided to block out my voice and talk over me. I actually took a derogatory tone and let the woman go.
As I continued with the laundry The Lord spoke to my heart. He said, "You don't know the life she lives, or what she's going through." I felt terrible for the way I responded to her!
I noticed an onlooker there too. He gave me this look like, "wouldn't wanna mess with you." This only added to what The Lord continued speaking to me. He said, "There is always someone watching. Him too, you don't know the life he lives."
I stewed on these things our remaining time there. My kids were very helpful and pleasant. I was able to show them love unconditional, even in the short testing moments but 2 strangers were impacted by my reaction to a simple phone call.
Before we left I humbly walked up to the man still there. I apologized to him for my tone on the phone. He smiled and said, "oh no, no no, it's ok." I replied, No, it's not ok. I shouldn't have spoken that way and you shouldn't have had to hear it, whether you were listening or not. He was surprised and seemed a little shocked that I would even approach him.
Though I blew it with the woman on the phone, I hope The Lord used His gentle convicting of my heart to speak to the man present.
Truth is, we don't know what others are going through or how they live. I don't know the purpose God had for the man who accepted my apologies, but let God's Will be done. In a sense it damaged my testimony unto Him, yet in another He reminded me of a great lesson.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16
Please pray for us and PLEASE Carefully consider your realm of influence, it's far greater than just those you know.
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