Name calling? If it fits... OWN IT!
If you ...lie, you're a liar...
If you ...steal, you're a thief...
If you ...hate, you're a hater...
If you ...murder, you're a murderer...
If you ...cheat, you're a cheater...
If you ...lust, you're an adulterer...
If you ...slander you're a destroyer...
If you ...gossip you're a gossiper
If you ... Say 1 thing & do another yours a hypocrite
If you ...deceive another, you are a deceiver
If you ...manipulate you are a manipulator
If you ...push others around you are a bully...
If you ...want what others have you are a coveter...
If you ...stab others in the back you are a backstabber
If you're HUMAN, you're a SINNER... OWN IT!
"For all have sinned & fall short of the glory of God." There's MANY names we ALL fit. Admit it, we've done one or more & not only broke God's laws, we've BROKEN HIS HEART!
Though there are *many* ways we fall & fail, many names we could/should be called... There is ONE WAY to be restored to the Living God.
In our place, though undeserved, CHRIST OWNED IT! He paid it all, the sin debt we couldn't afford, it's not accepted by mere words or by works, but rather a FREE gift to ALL who come with a REPENTANT heart & believe! It's the gift of forgiveness, grace, healing, acceptance, mercy & love.
In Christ, there is RESTORATION, if... By Grace, you OWN it!!!
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