Let's begin today in Judges, Chapter 16
Sampson loved Delilah, she asked him repeatedly for the secret to his strength... 3 times he tricked her. Yet, in the end her persistence pays!
'Delilah' means languish, keep that in mind as you continue...
Finally she says, "...How canst thou say, I love thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these three times, and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth. And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;" Judges 16:15-16
She did this and ultimately brought him to his death, all for money. He was so blinded by his own genuine love for her that he couldn't see her 1st three attempts to manipulate him, weaken his strength and hand him over to the enemy! After continually manipulating him, he caved.
True love doesn't have a secret agenda, doesn't put "self" over the other, it's not jealous but is kind. Stop and be refreshed in what and how the Father in Heaven defines love, read 1 Corinthians 13. Her love was of her own, most definitely self serving, and in her twisted, yet forward words she used & abused this man for her own gain.
Careful y'all, there are many "Delilah's" still out there today. Without Holy Spirit discernment, the same fall Sampson took is quite possible! Can you recognize real from the fake?
Its so hard at times to sit back and let our Heavenly Father do His work (for our good and His glory), so many times we want to jump in and give our ADVICE.....imagine that. In our own arrogance we think we know just what to say. If I lived in Samson's day I would have wanted to jump right in there... God on the other hand did work things out for.His Glory. Even after Samson fell he called on the of our salvation