"The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:15,17
A common misunderstanding when the term "rod" is used is that it's a beating stick. Though it is figuratively a stick, it is not necessary or recommend to be used to whoop on or beat anyone.
When shepherds used their rod or walking stick; its primary use was in guiding the sheep. Correcting them, as in keeping them together, guiding them with the fold.
Just think if Father God beat us with His rod, there would be no evidence of His love. So, just as He corrects, guides and deals with us, His children; we are to guide and correct our children in a similar way. In action, with words, by example with persistence, diligence and always with love, care and concern consistently.
We are not born knowing the right way to go or live in a manner that's pleasing to the Father. These things are learned by trial and error as well as heeding and gaining wisdom from our elders.
Do we realize how much love it takes to raise a child, especially in teaching them the honoring ways of the Lord? Do we see the importance of our own example they see on a regular basis?
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