Over the last 6 weeks we've had numerous people in & out of our home. Construction workers from drywall, carpet, paint, plumbing & insurance have graced us with their skills & presence.
Many have seen the good & the bad in our home. A quarrel or disagreement between siblings, things kids do from time to time. Even how I would act or react.
Today being the last day of reconstruction I reminded them of what God's Word says.
"Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." Proverbs 20:11
If the good is remembered, that's great! On the flip side, so is the bad. Often, the bad overrides the good in one's memory. True story!
I've had this talk with my children several timed over the years. Kids will be kids, right? Yes and no. Society excuses poor behavior but I want my littles to know they're accountability starts with God 1st, then me or whoever is in authority.
Why? It's His reputation we need to be mindful of regardless of the situation or the company. If we apply this simplicity to our own lives, are we mindful of how we are known? What about how it reflects upon the Christ we claim or the Creator of all things?
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