"Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom.
Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel: because the LORD loved Israel for ever, therefore made he thee king, to do judgment and justice."
1 Kings 10:8-9
Many of us are familiar with the wisdom and prosperity of king Solomon. Over and over he was told the LORD was pleased to place him over His people. It's TRUE, He was too! They traveled from all over to see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears. Here the queen of Sheba was quite impressed, his stature far exceeded the rumors told to her in her land!
I've read this account many times the last couple weeks. Today, this passage leaped off the pages! The Lord has placed me in leadership too, but my own "wisdom and prosperity" is minimal at best!
I've sought the Lord diligently in recent months regarding this placement and positioning. Though I don't oversee a nation, I'm still in need of His leading! How I desire to 1st please Him and as a result those under me are *HAPPY to be there and HAPPY to hear*!
I know I have a ways to go, but I know the more I'm teachable and maintain a humble spirit before my God, I'll be able to build up my team and lead by example. Anyone can be a grumbling boss but the aftermath is a busted down team, and often those you need choose to leave.
The journey begins within and the outflow affects all who are near. I may not be where I want to be, but I'm thankful to be God's work in progress.
If you've been placed in leadership (whether in a business, a job or within your family), are you willing to learn from king Solomon too and many other great biblical leaders or are you destructively destroying what the Lord desires to build and create?
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