Talking about the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-19) with the kiddos in Jr. church, some years ago; we did an experiment with oranges and water.
I placed a whole unpeeled orange in a bowl of water. This orange represents us, in Christ, fully armed in Him and protected. This one when placed in the water, floated! Though it could be pushed down, it always rose back to the surface.
Next, I peeled another orange. With each chunk of peeling that came off, represented a different piece of armor; not used. For example, from the top I took a chunk and said, "uh-oh, this one doesn't have a helmet of salvation. The battle always begins in our minds! This one was just told a lie and they BELIEVED it." And so it went with each piece.
Then I placed the fully peeled & "unprotected" orange in the bowl of water, next to the unpeeled one. Guess what? The peeled orange sank! It didn't have the covering of Christ to grant every need to stand!
With all that said, are you covered in Christ, fully clothed in the protective armor of God? Have you joined the Lord's army? Are you able to stand the "wiles" or tricks of the enemy?
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